Volunteers needed for Visiting Service in South Canterbury. The role is helping Age Concern SC support older people in the community. We are looking for visitors in Timaru, Waimate, Temuka and Geraldine.
We are seeking expressions of interest from community minded individuals looking to contribute to a long-standing education-based trust.
Support our facilitators while they deliver our Community Pop-Ups. Volunteers will play and ensure a safe environment for the tamariki and their whanau that take part in our free Pop-Ups around the district.
Volunteer drivers and drivers assistants needed to support Age Concern SC activities for older people in the community. Each month we take seniors for a mini-bus outing and lunch somewhere in the South Canterbury region.
Are you interested in providing girls and young women opportunities to build resilience, confidence, and a strong sense of identity? We are looking for someone with ‘a bit of oomph’, a creative mind, and a willingness to develop their own skills
Youthline is about youngish people supporting young people. The helpline uses text, phone, and web-chat. Once per week
Assisting with toy labelling/cleaning/stock management
Assisting with toy labelling/cleaning/stock management
Available to help where required.
Come and bake with residents