Logo for Life Education Trust Mid and South Canterbury Life Education Trust Mid and South Canterbury

Inspiring tamariki and rangatahi to make positive choices. Life Education Trust Mid and South Canterbury covers the Mid-South Canterbury area, from Rakaia in the North to the Waitaki River in the South and from the sea in the East to Mt Hutt, Mt Somers, Mt Cook and Twizel in the West. We have been operating since 1991 and have celebrated over 30 years teaching children about the wonders of their bodies and how to live a healthy lifestyle. The Mid and South Canterbury Trust was launched with the support of the Trust Bank and the Community Trusts. The Mid and South Canterbury mobile classroom travels to 67 schools in the area and our Educators see teach over 8,000 primary school aged children a year. We visit 18 schools with less than 50 children: 31 rural schools and 36 urban schools. The state-of-the-art mobile classroom is air-conditioned and heated and is equipped with digital tools to make learning an exciting and memorable experience. We have two qualified Educators who share the workload, visiting 98% of the schools in our area. Life Education Trust Mid and South Canterbury has a very strong Friends of Harold Club (FOH), with members from a wide range of local businesses, community organisations, service groups and families. The FOH creates an ongoing income which helps fund the annual running costs of the Trust. Our FOH Club and grants raise a good portion of our funds needed to provide our Healthy Harold Programme.


Available Roles:

Life Education Trust Mid and South Canterbury Board Members

All Areas, Timaru, Ashburton
Life Education Trust Mid and South Canterbury
Committee & Board | Evenings/Weekends

We are seeking expressions of interest from community minded individuals looking to contribute to a long-standing education-based trust.