Resources for Organisations

This page contains PDF and link information that is of use to Community Organisations.

Newsletters: Ashburton
February 2025:
March 2025:

Volunteer of the Month Nomination Form & Guidelines
South Canterbury :

Charity Op Shops in Mid & South Canterbury
An interactive map available to find op shops near to you

Best Practice Guidelines for Volunteer-involving Organisations by Volunteering New Zealand
Volunteers | tūao give their unpaid time and skills to communities and causes they believe in. This volunteering action needs to be nurtured and enabled. Our guidelines are based on what volunteers need and offers easy steps for you to meet their needs. Seven practice areas, based on the volunteering life cycle journey have been identified.

Covid-19 Volunteer Guidelines
A resource for volunteers to ensure they understand and take every precaution to ensure they keep themselves and others safe when volunteering during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Fact Sheet - Using Online Services for Member Organisations
This fact sheet gives member organisations the steps to using the basic functions of managing your positions and volunteers on Volunteering Mid & South Canterbury's website.

WorkSafe Fact Sheet - HSWA Info For PCBUs That Engage Volunteers
The primary piece of legislation that governs health and safety in New Zealand is the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA). This fact sheet explains the health and safety duties of a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) that engages volunteers.

Template - Writing a Position Description
This template is to assist you to in writing a volunteer role description. It contains a range of considerations, which may or may not be applicable in different situations.

Resource - Top Tips for Involving Volunteers in your Organisation
This is a useful resource full of great tips - compiled by the collective of Volunteer Centres in New Zealand.

Resource - Guide For Managers Of Volunteers
Developing your Volunteer Programme - a guide for managers of volunteers. This highly recommended resource was developed by Volunteer Wellington and contains practical tips, tools and resources to help organisations develop their volunteer programmes.

Resource - Becoming Volunteer Ready
Before you engage volunteers you need to ensure that you have solid policies, systems and processes in place to protect your organisation, the people you serve and your volunteers. A lack of good policies can result in poor practices, and have a detrimental effect on your organisation and its reputation.

Sample - Volunteer Agreement
A sample of a volunteer agreement that can be adapted for your organisation.

Resource - Getting Ready for the Highly Skilled Volunteer
A new kind of volunteer is emerging. More today than ever before, people with high-level skills are offering their services to respected not-for-profits. Here are 8 tips to help you engage them for the first time.

Resource - Volunteer Management Checklist
Volunteering Mid & South Canterbury encourages best practice in volunteer management. This check-list will help you to assess your current processes and assist you to identify areas for the further development of your volunteer programme.

Fact Sheet - Volunteers and the Human Rights Act
The Human Rights Act protects people from unlawful discrimination. The Act’s intention is to ensure that everyone is treated fairly in key areas of life, including employment, and this includes the recruitment of volunteers...

Resource - Finding the Right Volunteer
Finding the right volunteers for your organisation involves ensuring that you are getting an effective message, and the right message, to the right audience...

Fact Sheet - Volunteer Pre-employment Checks
When recruiting volunteers, there are a range of checks you can undertake to ensure you are getting the right person for the role, the right person for your organisation, and the right person to work with your clients...

Resource - Volunteer Reference Checks
When recruiting volunteers, reference checks are an important part of the process. These checks allow you to build a picture of the prospective volunteer and help to ensure that you are getting a good fit for your team...

Fact Sheet - Checking Criminal Records
The purpose of vetting is to minimise the likelihood of the more vulnerable members of society, eg children, older people and those with disabilities, being put at risk by individuals who may have displayed behaviour that could be detrimental to others safety and wellbeing...

Resource - Matching Volunteers to Roles
The key to matching volunteers to roles is understanding the specific requirements of the role AND the volunteer's motivation...

Resource - Dealing with Performance Issues
Volunteer performance has an effect on the overall performance of your organisation. The longer issues are ignored the more ingrained they may become, and the greater the negative effect will be on your volunteers, organisation and clients. The sooner you deal with issues, the better for everyone...

Resource - Volunteer Retention
Retaining volunteers is important to ensure the continuation and consistency of the services you provide. Volunteers gain a lot of organisational knowledge during their time in your organisation - when they leave, they take that knowledge and experience with them. If you consider the time and processes you have gone through to recruit a volunteer - you will definitely want some return on that investment.

Resource - Exiting A Volunteer
There are many reasons that your organisation may need to exit a volunteer. Perhaps they are no longer able to perform the role, cannot safely complete the required tasks, or are not aligned with the values or vision of the organisation. Exiting a volunteer is sometimes necessary, but not always an easy process...

Resource - Engaging Volunteers With Disabilities
Volunteer teams benefit by being diverse and involving a wide range of volunteers, and this may include those with a disability or impairment. Whether you are considering involving a volunteer with an intellectual disability, sight or hearing impairment, someone recovering from an illness, or with a mobility issue etc, this resource contains some helpful considerations...

Fact Sheet - Reimbursement of Volunteer Expenses
Volunteering Mid & South Canterbury encourages community organisations to reimburse the actual expenses, eg travel, of your volunteers... but make sure you know the IRD rules regarding reimbursement...

Resource - Code of Conduct & Confidentiality Declaration template
A code of conduct establishes a direct link between an organization’s broader purpose and core values and the behaviors and practices of its employees. It helps create a shared understanding of expected behaviors and promotes responsibility and accountability. This document clearly outlines how every individual within the organization is expected to behave. Thank you to the Timaru District Council for providing this template.