Support families in the community
We require 2-3 new trustees to come on board as from April, 2025. to contribute to the vision and purpose of the Trust and help direct the long-term planning of the service.
Drive individuals with low vision to activity groups and social gatherings, and make a difference by supporting individuals to live the life they want!
Facilitate connections, relationships and support within the ME/CFS community in Ashburton to reduce isolation and improve wellbeing.
Volunteer drivers required to drive people from around the District into Ashburton Township for medical/dental appointments, seeing family and friends, accessing government and health and social services, doing business with Council, etc
Secretary role needed for the Timaru Community Committee for Blind Low Vision NZ.
We are looking for an Ambulance Officer to support the community as the first responder during emergencies.
We are looking for a minute secretary to take the minutes on our monthly committee meetings.
We are looking for volunteers to help with a weekly reception role.
Volunteers needed for Visiting Service in South Canterbury. The role is helping Age Concern SC support older people in the community. We are looking for visitors in Timaru, Waimate, Temuka and Geraldine.