MISSION Ko Te Aitarakihi he whare mō mātāwaka, e tiaki ana ngā kākano, ā, ka tauawhi hoki ngā ahurea i roto i te ao Māori. Te Aitarakihi is a home for mātāwaka that nurtures future generations and embraces all cultures within the realms of te ao Māori. PHILOSOPHY Whakapakari me hāpai i te reo, ngā tikanga, ngā kaupapa me ngā mātauranga Māori. To preserve, promote, encourage and support Māori language, culture, history and traditions. VISION Ko Te Aitarakihi te taurahere o ngā iwi katoa, ki te hāpai, ki te whakatairanga, ki te tautoko hoki mai i te ao Māori, i raro i te korowai o te manaakitanga me te arohanui. Te Aitarakihi will be the rope that binds all peoples, to uplift, promote and advocate within te ao Māori, under the korowai of kindness, support and love. Kaupapa Māori organisation that serves all members of our community and society. Community, Social Services, Multicultural, Education.
We’re looking for Volunteers to help in our Maara Kai (Community Vege Garden)