A lifetime of loving kids and wanting to work with and support them has seen former Kindgergarten teacher Ruth Logan, dedicate around 30 years of service to Birthright Canterbury as a family visitor. Miss Ruth as one of the young people whose family Ruth supports call her goes that extra mile for her families and was a Volunteering Mid & South Canterbury and the Hotel Ashburton Volunteer of the Month.
Over the years Ruth has had around 50 families and currently is supporting six families. In her role, Ruth walks the parenting journey with single parent families. She says that she is there to help them find solutions to issues they may be experiencing, to listen and help put the parents mind at ease.
Ruth understands that parenting on your own isn’t easy and you need other adults to talk to. Families aren’t always a round or able to be there, but visitors like Ruth can provide additional support.
Ruth is always willing to take on new families. If you are a single parent and would like the support that Birthright offers you only need to phone their office at Community House.
The home visits that Ruth does, helps the parent to feel less isolated. Each family is different, the support offered is what they need says Ruth, some are short visits, others can last an hour over a coffee. The frequency of the visits is up to the family.
Ruth enjoys it when the children run up to give her a hug, she’s not just a visitor, Ruth is part of the family – a friend, a Nan figure to some of the families she supports.
The visiting “is not stressful and is rewarding” says Ruth. Even thirty years on Ruth still enjoys doing her volunteering and being part of the lives of so many.
The visits aren’t just about talking and listening, visitors will often take goods such as clothing, bedding, birthday, or Christmas presents or food to families that have been donated by the community.
Ruth goes above and beyond with Birthright, helping with holiday programmes, dropping into the office to see how she can help the Social Worker, Christine Muff and often takes surplus goods from her garden to a family she thinks would enjoy some homegrown veges or eggs.
Such is Ruth’s passion for her volunteering she encourages others to think about volunteering for Birthright, to help out others in their community.