Volunteer Story - Rachael Anderson

15 June 2024 | Articles

Hi, my name is Rachael and I volunteer for Age Concern.

I moved to Timaru at a time when we were navigating the traffic light system of a pandemic. I knew no-one, and due to health reasons became isolated because of the rules. I initially signed up to Refugee Settlement Services as a Volunteer, working in the background sorting out all their donated items. After going to work for Statistics NZ and the Census, I found myself back in a familiar position, and it was so easy to fall back into a pattern of self isolation.

I saw an advert for Age Concern Volunteer Visitors, and applied. I was paired with an 86 year old gentleman who in our first few visits told me off more times than I wanted. He was concerned I was too young, I had to travel to visit him, and he expressed that he didn't want to know anything about me so he

couldn't harass me. I persevered and over one year later, we have built a great friendship.

The generation gap did seem to play a part in how he viewed me, however, I tried different topics to get him talking. Once he started to open up, I would always ask after his family and friends, what events he had been to during the week, his beloved cat. He had lost his wife some years before, but he still stuck to their routines, which proved a little difficult. It was the stories he imparted of simpler times and real hands on knowledge. Throughout these times he started to allow me to help out with little things, like taking him into town for appointments, shopping etc. He even told me that I was a good driver for someone so young. I laughed at that, how young is young.

Due to my own health situation I have recently moved. This was a little upsetting

for him, because he had come to rely on my visits. On my last visit prior to moving, tears were shed. I made him a promise to stay in touch. I ring him twice a week, check in, have a chat and remind him that I'm only a phone call away.

Volunteering was something in the back of my mind but never did anything about until my move south. It is rewarding in different aspects of my life, it is the social interaction, putting another person's needs above my own, making a connection that can lead to a more meaningful friendship, and making a positive impact on the aged person as far as widening their circle. It is also opens your eyes to the need for organizations like this, because not everyone has family to rely on for support. Volunteering is selfless and empowering.